12 Mar Blog Header for Simple House Expressions
My latest little project was a blog header for my sister and brother-in-law!
They’ve put together a blog called SimpleHouseExpressions.com to document their experiences in renovating their home (check it out, it’s a good read!). They were looking for a header image for the top of the site. After some research, I determined that my sister’s style seemed to be what I would call “modern retro” — lots of vintage prints, but not necessarily antique.
(As a quick aside, I think Pinterest could end up being a very useful aid in the process of helping a designer connect with a client’s taste. More on this another time…)
I did this project relatively quickly, but not all designs need to be overly complicated. A bold print to draw the eye in and then a focal point to highlight the most important piece of information on the page (the title!), and we were done!
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