Logos and Branding Tag

eTrailtoEagle.com is a website that helps scout leaders track merit badge progress, troop membership and more via their online portal and mobile applications for Android and iPhone. The site asked for a simple logo that incorporated a merit badge into the design in some manner.  The...

Zenpinion.com is a blog that features book, movie, and techonology reviews, but is primarily centered around Japanese culture. The client wanted a logo that had some Asian undertones in terms of look and feel.  Additionally, the logomark needed to be able to work well as a stand-alone...

Blueprints To Profits is an income-earning program designed by business consultant Paul Lemberg. Paul asked for a logo for this program that had a "blueprint" feel.  The logo needed to work on a variety of backgrounds and in a variety of applications, such as websites, power points,...